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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 159   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 159

ingly been Sent for upon all occasions which this house Desire
the Lower house to take into their Consideration so as not
only to Make up to him what they fell short of last Assembly
but also to Gratifie him for what he hath Since done accord-
ingly as he hath Deserved from the Country—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Clk of Assembly

A Motion made in this house by a Member thereof that all
English Women that work in the Ground may be taken as
Taxables within this Province for the time to come Voted So
to be Nemine Contradicente—

Upper house September the 9th 1681.
The Lower house are Desired to Expedite their Committee
for consulting the Defence of the Province thereby to prevent
the Effusion of Christian blood for which (if not Speedily taken
care for) We can be Answerable Neither to God nor Man—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Sent to the Lower house by Col Darnall; he returns again—
Voted that if Col Lowe come not by Such time as the Com-
mittee are ready then Col Tailler take his Place with the Chan-
cellor to Join with them—
Heads to Treat on in the Committee Vizt
The State of the Case—
Here is at This Instant a Body of 500 Indians Spoiling &
Plundering not only the Indians but the English Plantations
Jt cannot be believed that English will permitt the Plunder
though the Government would wink at it, But the Government
must See it and provide for it, and the Security of the Lives
of his Majesties Subjects before any Murder be Committed,
Since if we Sitt still till the Indians have Committed Murder,
We can neither Answer it to God nor his Sacred Majesty—
Ist The first then to be Considered is what force is Nec-
2d How Shall they be paid
3d: Shall we protect the Pisscattaway Indians So to be fur-
nished with Scouts, and Men that know how to fight the
Enemy at his own Weapons by Surprize—
All Articles made with this Enemy have been broaken by
them because they have ever found Us a People bent to follow
Planting and Patient Sufferers of their Affronts and Plunder,
therefore it is high time to Shew them such a force as may let
them see We are able to make them keep Articles hereafter,
which may be made in due time & Place if We be not too
Narrow handed in Making Provision for Warr—
Col Lowe Enters the house—

U. H. Journal

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 159   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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