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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 158   View pdf image
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158 Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681.

U. H. Journal


Obliged to take them at a reasonable price to be Sett by both
houses it is an injury to the People to restain the Exportation
of them, and therefore desire the Lower house to consider of
this and add Such a Clause to the Act or otherwise lay the
Act aside
Signed pr Order pr J LL Cl of Assembly.

Holdsworths Act and the Message of this house concerning
the Words Concurring Assent is Sent to the Lower house pr
Col Lowe who is also to tell them that this house hath the rest
of the Bills before them and will dispatch as fast as can be—-
He returns
He is again Sent to the Lower house with the Naturalization
of Fucate and Boye, and Blange and Oldsone also the Act
restraining the Exportation of Leather &t He returns again—
The Act against Divulgers of false News read the Second
time & thus Endorsed Vizt

Upper house September the 8th 1681.
Upon Second reading this house do think the Act against
Divulgers of false News is not Sufficiently Penall, and that the
Common Law Defends the Iudges and Iustices of Peace better
then this Law—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Sent to the Lower house by Coll Darnall who is Ordered to
Desire the Members Committees of the Lower house to come
into this room into the Committee for that this house did
intend to Adjourn: He returns—
The house Adjourns till to Morrow 9 a Clock—

September the 8th 1681 The Upper house mett—

The Chancellor Col Tailler
The Honourable The Secretary Col Darnall
Col Coursey— Col Stevens

On the back side of a Petition of William Boarmans being
Employed in the Countrys Service was thus Written Vizt

p. 332

Upper house September the 9th 1681.
This house do think that the Two Thousand pounds of
Tobacco Allowed Major Boarman the last Assembly for his
Service to the Country Was farr Short of his Meritts this house
well knowing the Pains & trouble he was at therein being the
only Interpreter we have had to Rely upon, and hath accord-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 158   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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