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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 151   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 151

Here is likewise Some Suspition of ill, Designed by the
Eastern Shore Indians, for Information whereof the Lower
house are referred to Capt Henry Trippe and Doctor Brookes
Members of their own house as also to Capt Iohn Stanesby,
accordingly as they have Informed his Lordship
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Clk of Assembly—

Sent to the Lower house by Col Coursey and Col Stevens
who after Delivery go to their Committee
Col Stevens from the Committee of Accounts brings to this
house Jacob Youngs Petition and Accounts which having
Delivered he returns to the Committee—
Sepr the 6th 1681
The within Accounts of Iacob Young are referred to the
Consideration of both Houses—
Nick: Painter Cl of Committee

A Message from the Lower house by Mr Gardner & Cap-
tain Sibrey

U. H. Journal

Lower house of Assembly 6th Sepr 1681
This house taking into their Consideration the last Message
from the Upper House do desire his Lordship the Lord Pro-
prietary to Communicate to this house those Letters from
Captain Beale and Lieut Francis concerning the Robberies
Supposed to be Committed by the Northward Indians, or So
much thereof as have relation to the Information aforesaid
Signed pr Order of the house C. Boteler Cl
Assistant to the Lower house of Assbly

Which Paper was Sent to his Lordship then at St Maries
by Col Darnall
Brought to this house at the Same time by the Same Mem-
An Act for Naturalization of Lewis Blange & Peter oldsone—
and an Act for preventing Vexatious Suits at Law, Voted a
reading at Leizure this house going to Inspect the Accounts
of Iacob Young—
Col Tailler Enters the house—
Col Darnall also with Ninian Beales Letter which his Lord-
ship Sent by him to be Communicated to the Lower house not
having Francis Letter now with him but Col Tailler who knew
the Contents thereof can Jnform them, if that will not Satisfie
them his Lordship will Send them the Letter to Morrow—
Col Tailler is accordingly Sent to the Lower house with
Beales Letter and hath in Charge also to Communicate to

them what he Knows of Francis's Letter—

On the Back of Iacob Youngs Accounts was thus Written

p. 326

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 151   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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