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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 150   View pdf image
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150 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

Jn Reference to and Order from the Upper house of Assem-
bly Dated August the 30th 1681.
J being at the house of Mr William Rosewell in Iune last I
heard a Young Man Say as he was a Travelling in Virginia
he mett with three Indians that were Painted that had Some
Discourse with an Indian that was in Company with him Say-
ing Something about the late Murder that was then Com-
mitted in Maryland which made him Mistrust that they were
Some of the Actors but from the time I left Mr Rosewells
house I never Saw him again Neither do know what is

p. 325

become of him and to the best of my Memory his Name was
Richard Mannering, Attested by me the first Day of Septemr
Thomas Witter—

His Lordship gives this House to understand that he had
received a Letter from Ninian Beale of a Robbery committed
at the Western Branch another Letter from Lieut Francis of a
Robbery also Committed in Ann Arundell County, he proposes
whether it might not be Convenient to acquaint the Lower house
therewith and Move them for a Party of Dragoons to be out
Ranging at the heads of Each County for a Month or Six
Weeks for Guard and Preservation of the Inhabitants during
this time of Danger Voted in the Affirmative Nemine Contra-

Upper house of Assembly 30th Augt 1681.
His Lordship the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
having Communicated to this house a Robery Committed on
the Western Branch and Another in Ann Arundell County by
the Northern Indians (as is Conceived in their return Home-
wards as by the Informations of Captain Beale and Lieutnt
Francis in their Letters to his Lordship hath been Sett forth
and highly to be Suspected that other Robberies and Mischiefs
may be done Else where upon the Inhabitants which as yet
may not Pointly be Discovered, Voted in this house Nemine
Contradicente that the Lower house be also made acquainted
therewith and Moved for their Consent, That not only the
Troope in Charles County but a Convenient party of Dragoons
in each respective County of this Province be kept. Ranging
about the heads of the Counties for a Month or Six weeks till
Such time as the Season of the Year may remove all Oppor-
tunities of Mischief to be done by the said Indians, this house
conceiving the Same to be of Absolute Necessity for the
Safety and Preservation of the Inhabitants of this Province in
this time of Danger and Recommend the Same as so, to the
Consideration of the Lower house desiring their Unanimous
Consent and Concurrence hereunto—

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 150   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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