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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 152   View pdf image
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152 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

Upper house September the 6th 1681—
This house upon Inspection had into the Councill Book do
find that Severall Orders from his Lordship and Councill have
been Directed to Col George Wells concerning the Northern
Indians which this house is Sensible could not well be Man-
aged without the Assistance of Jacob Young the Lower house
is Desired to inform themselves from the said Col Wells how
often and in what manner the said Young hath been Em-
ployed So as to reward him accordingly & this house will
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

Col Tailler having Delivered his Message returns again into
this house
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Robert Carvile
Mr Hatton Col Wells, Capt Ladd Capt Henley, Mr Richardson,
Dr Brooke Mr Frisby, Mr Hosier and Mr Woolford.—
Being an Act for Confirmation of the Laws of the Province
in this and future Assemblies, which having Delivered they
return again into their own house—
Jacob Youngs Account and the Answer of this house there-
upon Sent down to the Lower house pr Col Darnall Col
Darnall returns again into this house—
Several Papers brought into this house by William Berrey
and Richard Johns for the perusall of this house, the reading
which is Referred to a more Convenient time this house at
present having other Business before them, The Exhibitants
are Dismissed till further time for Ansr

p. 327

Upper house September the 6th 1681
This house are of Opinion that the first part of this Act is
needless being Undoubted that a Law made by the Consent
of both houses and Assented to by his Lordship cannot be
repealed but by the Consent of both houses—
The latter part this house conceives too Dangerous for the
Lord Propry ever to Ioin with the Lower house in requesting
his Lordships Assent to it, Neither ought We to Wonder at his
Lordships former Proceedings in Reserving a Power to Dis-
assent after his Lieutenant here shall have Assented to any
Laws made in his Absence, Since the Governor of Virginia
hath no other Power to assent to Laws there then his Lord-
ships Lieut hath here, nor as We are informed hath his
Majesties Lord Lieutenant of Ireland any greater power there,
nor William Penn himself in his Province of Pensilvania, Since
by an Express Clause in his Pattent his Laws are not So bind-
ing Laws but that at any time within five Years after they are
Enacted there, his Majesty can make them no Laws by his

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 152   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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