was to be in these words (vizt)
October the 23th 1678.
upp howse desiring a memorial of
have voted that in the first
ull satisfaction upon what grounds
coppy of his Lopps Charter brought by
ll misinterptation to secure the continuance
concurrence betweene both howses for
in Respect of pt of the message
only intended an Establishmt of Lawes
to conferre as well about the Conveniences
or n gorous or severe martial unles at a Juncture
the Province are disobliged from any Ty of their owne
of Indian warre ensueing, as also about the Reviving
and made last Assembly Entituled an Act for pviding
for the security & defence of this Province.
Major Weekes & Mr ffrisby sent wth the sd message in
writing, they retorne.
Put to the Question whether the Charges Spent this Assembly
by the Delegates should be pd by the publique in generall, or
by the pticuler Countyes of wch they are members
Voted by the Major pt that it shalbe pd by the pticuler
Members appointed to manage the conference with the
Members of the upp howse (vizt) Mr Rowsby Capt Coade
Mr Cheseldyne Mr Christison & Mr Carvile.
The how ceed to thinke of heads for the sd Mem-
bers at the conference
The howse same members a Comittee to considder
of the sd heads and the Law rty and defence of the
Boteler apointed their Clerke.
It was put to the howse what the Clerkes of the
Comittee shalbe allowed a day to their owne Expences
& dyat.
Voted that they fifty pounds of Tobacco a day a
peice and that they nothing upon the publique.
Came Coll Taylor fr upp howse & acquaintes this
howse that the Gournor & upp howse are ready for & Expect
the members of this howse in conference.
L. H. Journal