p. 12
The Comittee sent for by Mr
Came Major
Upp howse
In answere to Members of
this howse wer howse
such in force lately comitted
by the Indians concerning the
same according Sessions,
of the Assembly
the howse.
The Comittee
It is also voted tion the Gournor & upp
howse that for uls of the Countyes may
give their votes in Elecco
Came Coll Calvert this pap (vizt)
Upp howse of Assem 22th 1678.
This howse in Complyance with the desire of the Lower
howse in the within written message received from them doe
say that the honoble Chancelor Secry & Major Rozer were
desired to let the Lower howse know that this howse did
much admire they should impose such an impossibillity upon
the Members of this howse who never did see the Original
Patent in Lattin and therefore could Judge of no translation
much lesse of a coppy of it and that they had as much reason
to question the authority by wch they were called & now sit,
having no other warrant but custome grounded upon this
Translation, wch hath alwayes beene taken for good, That if
this coppy were not true yet were it lutely necessary
to establish a Law for martial affayres. This howse
ling to admit of a conference with a comittee of the Lower
ordr thereunto, & for the better Effecting thereof, The
Lower ed to draw up in writing a Memorial of what
they & transmit the same to this howse by to morrow
morning ten ck & by twelve this howse will admit of
a conference,
by ordr John Lewellyn Clerke of the Assembly
The howse Adjourn ilst to morrow morning nine a
October the 23th 1678. The howse called all appeare Except
those absent yesterday.