L. H. Journal
state them, to this howse
what Membe the Members
of this howse the Members of
this howse shou
Doctor S They Retorne
Came Coll essage (vizt)
Upp h 3th 1678.
Lt Coll Thomas Tay & Members of this howse
appointed to Joine with a Co for inspecting
the publique accounts, & w them to morrow
morning in the middle Roome be both howses, where-
fore the Lower howse is desired to give notice to this howse
to morrow morning what time their Comittee wilbe ready to
attend the members of this howse apointed to Joine with them.
Signed by ordr John Lewellyn Clerke of the Assembly
A proposal by a member of the howse.
That the seurall & Respective County Courts be Empowred
by an act to put up seurall Rules in their Respective Corts for the
well Governing thereof and undr such small fines as they shall
thinke fit not Exceeding 10s & that the same be at the dispose
of the County ts for the maintenance of the poore of
their Countyes or other such ses.
Voted Necessary and the ttee of Lawes draw up a law
for that purpose.
A Member of this h aynes that being a Justice of
the County he hath beene sumoned by ry officer to
appeare in pson at trayning & he not appearing hath
and threatned with the leavyeing it, & that it is pursuant to
viding for the security and defence of the Province,
Ordered that ttee of Lawes inspect the st Act & amend
it in that pticuler.
A pposall of a Member of this howse.
Whether it be not necessary that a prpared to passe
this howse that no pson
p. 15
due upon any acct whatsoever untill
demaunded of the Debitor in the County where
bring this pap (vizt)
to the Members conferees of or howse
the Gournors speech a Recognition of
of the soldiery, And afterwards those
lating to warre, being Cheifly Recomended
howse delivered by the honoble Chancelor
Recognition was the only & all the
honoble the members of the upp howse
humbly conceiving that without