upp howse with this pap (vizt)
October the 22th 1678.
brought from the Lower howse by Mr
ing they finde no cawse to be satisfyed
this howse is a true coppy unlesse
py. This howse doe say that the
tion either printed or written can be
action of the Lower howse, wee doe
the coppy sent them by the hand of
acion of his Lopps Original Patent to
John Lewellyn Clerke of the Assembly
ready to beleeve the same as the upp howse
to signe the Coppy sent by the Chancelor as a true
coppy of his Lopps Original Patent.
Capt Sybrey Mr Stone Mr Peerce & Mr Garrat sent with
the sd message in writing & the sd Coppy of his Lopps Charter.
They Retorne.
Came the Chancelor Secry & Major Rozer from the upp
howse & endeavor by seurall argumts to satisfy this howse that
the sd Coppy of his Lopps Charter is a true coppy thereof
They Retorne.
Mr Rowsby Mr Cheseldyne Mr. Marsh Mr Christison Mr
Edmondson & Mr Hosier sent to the upp howse to desire
them to send to this howse the message in writing that was
brought by the Chancelor, Secry & Major Rozer, least that this
howse should mistake their sense, & therefore desire to have
it in their ow ds, and that the upp howse would please
to apointe some Members to Joine with some Mem-
bers of this howse in a conference touching the , and
that their honors please to apointe the time.
They their Charge. They Retorne.
Came Mr from the Comittee of priviledges wth this pap
p. 11