90 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. I.
Extremity of a 12 Mile Radius from Newcastle He could not
certainly learn by reason the Inhabitants of that part of the
Country under the Pensilvania Jurisdiction would not suffer
such Radius to be measured; but that in pursuance of my
Instructions He begun at a red Oak about two Miles Eastward
of the main Branch of Elk River said to be marked as the Ter-
p. 74
minating Tree to a 12 Mile West Radius from Newcastle run
by one Mr Geo: Daker in 1732 that hence, He proceeded
according to Order so far Southward as Choptank Bridge &
from such actual Survey had discovered (as is delineated on
his Map) that a Due North & South Line begun from the
aforesaid Tree does intersect first two small Branches of Chris-
tine Creek, then leaving the principal Branch of Elk consider-
ably to the westward, it cuts at about forty perches below their
Mill Dams where a Canoe in a high Tide will pass, three small
Streams called Evans's Broad, & Back Creeks which flow into
that River: the said Line afterwards intersects two small Branches
of Bohemia just above the Landing beyond which a Canoe
will in a high Tide go about a quarter of a Mile. Sassafras
River is left entirely to the Westward of this Line; but it
crosses Chester far above Chester Bridge where the Run of
Water is very inconsiderable; as Choptank terminates in a
Swamp soon after one passes above its Bridge, this Line does
not at all affect the navigation of that River; neither doth it
approach near to the navigable water in the north west Fork
of Nanticoke; but the North East Fork of that River where it
is intersected by the Parallel of Latitude run from Indian River
is found to be Six perches wide & Six Feet deep so that a
large Sea Sloop will load within two Miles South of said
Paralel & that Branch is navigable for small Craft two miles
farther North than the place where the said Paralel inter-
sects it.
?• 75
After some time deliberating on this Map of Emory's &
comparing the Distance supposed by him to be between Elk
& Newcastle with the Distance which it was I am told (for cer-
tified I cannot get it) found to be some years since on an
Actual Resurvey & Mensuration of the several Tracts or Parcells
of Land occupied by Claimants under Pensilvania Jurisdiction,
(a Draught of which I herewith transmit) the Gentn agreed
with me to submit to his Ldps Consideration if a Composition
is thought of the following Proposals for dividing the Penin-
sula East of Chesopeak Bay between his Ldp & the Proprie-
tors of Pensilvania — Be a due East & West Line run as in
Emorys Map across the Peninsula from Indian River & from a
Point of such Line two Furlongs (or more as can be agreed)
eastward of the North East Fork of Nanticoke where it is inter-
sected by said East & West Line, let a Line be run North or