Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 89
enough for them to look the Enemy again in the face before
Winter: That the Lower House would suffer no Expunction
in the Bill was manifest from their late Conduct, & as that
Point with respect to the Ordinary Lycences had been conceded
by the Governor & Council heretofore in times of less immi-
Letter Bk. I.
nent Danger than the present there was too much Reason to
apprehend that by the Upper House's rejecting the Bill on that
Account they would have brought on the Colony severe Reflec-
tions from the neighbouring Governts I hope His Ldp will not
be displeased that I assented to the Bill upon these Considera-
tions & the Assurances of the Gent" that this Bill would not at
all hinder or protract His Ldp's claiming or insisting on the
Fines upon Ordinary Lycences at the Expiration of the Law
made in 1746, by reason the Imposts laid by this Bill will sink
the £6000 before the Sum ordered to be raised by that Law
can be collected from the Duties thereby imposed. The prin-
cipal Objection too that lay against the Bills that were in the two
last Sessions rejected was in this removed, & the point then
disputed is here given in his Ldps favour; I mean the Appro-
priation of forfeitures arising from a Breach of that part of the
Law which concerns Hawkers & Pedlars, for you will be
pleased to observe that half the Forfeitures only are to be
appropriated to the uses for which the Bill is calculated, & the
other Moiety to the Informer to be recovered by Indictment on
Information in the County Court where the Offence shall be
committed; Now His Ldp being in such Case always the
Informer by his Attorney General or Clerk of Indictment the
Moiety consequently is appropriated to His Ldps Use & Dis-
p. 72
Upon Mr Emory's Return from the Service in which I lately
engaged him I met the Gentn of the Council & again repeated
his Ldp's Desire that they would advise some Boundary to be
concluded on by His Ldp with the Proprietors of Pensilvania
in case His Ldp should be disposed to come to an amicable
Agreement thereon & I also acquainted them that in order to
their being better enabled to advise what Line or Lines may
be proper for his Ldp to agree on as Divisional Lines between
his Ldp's Lands & those which the Proprietors of Pensilvania
claim on the Peninsula East of Chesopeak Bay, I ordered Mr
Emory to begin a Line at the Head of Elk River, & run South-
ward to the Head of the next River that falls into Chesopeak
Bay, & by measuring thence acquaint himself with the Dis-
tances between the several River Heads on the Western Side
of the Peninsula & also observe & discover how these several
River Heads would bear from each other, & from a Meridian
Line run from the Extremity of a twelve Mile Radius drawn
from the Centre of Newcastle. I informed them also that the
p. 73