Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 91
North two Degrees West at farthest (variation being allowed
for) till it touches Newcastle Circle & if Messrs Penns refuse to
have such Line (being a Secant of the Circle) continued direct
northward as a Boundary between the Territories or three
lower Counties & Maryland (which should be contended for)
Let a due North Line be run from the Extremity of a New-
castle 12 Mile Radius to the present temporary Line or any
other Line that may be agreed on by the Proprietaries as a
North Boundary to this Province & South Boundary to that of
Letter Bk. I.
Pensilvania, & let all the Land included within the Newcastle
Circle be ceded to Messrs Penns & all the Land westward of
the said Secant & said Meridian run from the Extremity of the
Newcastle Radius & without the Perephery of the Circle be
confirmed by Messrs Penn to Ld Baltimore. — You will be
pleased to observe that we could not have any Certainty with
respect to the Radius from Newcastle on which the Position of
the Perephery depends, so that should the Peninsula prove less
that 14 miles wide from Newcastle to the Meridian of the East-
ernmost part of the Branch of Elk River (which is the Distance
supposed to be between them & allowed in Emory's Map) the
perephery of the Circle may possibly affect the three Creeks
that flow into Elk River if not Elk itself. This Deficiency in
our knowledge you will perceive is also taken notice of in the
Resolve of the Council of which as it contains also my Senti-
ments I herewith transmit you a Copy. As it appears from
Mr Cressaps Map lately transmitted that the present tempo-
rary Line does not intersect any navigable water there does
not seem to be any Room for us to advise on that point, be-
cause you can have as clear & distinct an Idea of the Benefits
that this Province would receive from being extended farther
than the Temporary Line Northwd as any Person resident on
the Spot can possibly have.
I have obeyed his Ldps Instruction whereby I was ordered
to constitute Mr Dulany joint Commissary with Mr Tasker &
p. 76
acquainted them with His Ldp's Desire & Expectations from
them in what relates to you, & all the other Instructions which
His Ldp has been pleased to give, shall always be answered
with my most punctual Obedience.
As His Ldp has signified an earnest Desire to have some
more Tracts of Land erected into mannours in the several parts
of the Province, I beg leave to acquaint you that in 1669 a con-
siderable Extent of Country was laid out on Nanticoke & Chop-
tank Rivers & appropriated by Act of Assembly afterwards to
the use of a Nation of Indians inhabiting there till they should
be extinct or choose to desert it at which Period of time it
should revert to the Ld Proprietary excepting any Part or par-
cel of it that might before that time have been patented, which
part will then return to the lawful Heir if any be: you will be
P- 77