Letter Bk. I.
Ldp's favours wch might be better conferred on those who
have recommended themselves by some preceeding merit &
to that He can by no means have any pretensions.
P S. I take this opportunity of informing you of the arrival
of the arms by Capt White from wm I received yr favour of the
29th of August —
[Governor De Lancey to Sharpe.]
New York n Decr 1753.
On Friday last I recieved the inclosed letter, (with others to
the Governors of Virginia, Pensylvania, New Jerseys, New
Hampshire & the Massachusetts Bay) from the Lords Com-
missioners for Trade and the Plantations to be forwarded as
addressed; and as they are referred to in thier Lordships letter
to me, I inclose you an extract of it, in persuance of which I
proposed an interview with the Indians at Albany on the 13th
or 14th day of next June. The Assembly have this day re-
solved, that they will make Provision for the presents usually
given on such occasions and for the expence of my Voyage,
so that I intend to meet the Indians at the time and place
abovementioned, The Assembly have also resolved (upon my
laying before them the letter from the Earl of Holdeness one
of his Majestys principal Secretaries of state) that they will
make a suitable Provision for Assisting any of the Neighbour-
ing Colonies to repell force by force in case they be invaded
in an Hostile manner by any armed force whatsoever. I send
you the extract of a letter from the Commanding Officer at
Oswego, by which it appears, if the information be true, that
the designs of the French on the Ohio have proved abortive.
I am
Your most obedient & most
humble Servant
James De Lancey
The Honble Horatio Sharp
Governor of Maryland.
[Lord Glencairn to Sharpe.]
My Dear Sharpe
I dont know if I should have troubled you with a letter till
such time as you had made as much money as you deserved
and had come home and setled in your own countrie, then I
wold have writ you a letter of Congratulation, but as I'm now
obliged to trouble you on another account before I mention