Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 15
Parker Esq. of Chester in Pensilvania, there is reason to sup-
pose great privacy was used in the obtaining & passing it for
We find that 1683. 84 & 85 by several Committees of Council
held to examine the Contests of Mess" Penn & Ld Baltimore
about their Lines the Deleware Counties were considered as
yet ungranted by the King.
Letter Bk. I.
[Sharpe to Calvert.]
Transmitted by Capt: Piddie dated Decemr 10: 1753.
Since my Letter of the 29th was sent on board I have re-
ceived information of the Decease of the Revd Mr Cox & Mr
Thornton in Queen Ann County, as Mr Cox's Parish is to be
divided there are now vacant 4 Livings 2 of them about
3O000lb of Tobacco p An. the other 2 much less considerable
besides Mr Harriss & Dingly mentioned in a former Letter
there is only one Clergiman unprovided for in the Province
Mr Mcfarson: but one Mr Hotchkiss who some time since
brought with Him to the Continent earnest Lettrs of Recom-
mendation to Mr Ogle whose Death the Gentn being acquainted
with at his arrival in Virginia has since resided in a Parish of
that Province to which He was presented by the Govr but I
apprehend would be glad to quit for one here wch are more
valuable if His Ldp should favour him with Approbation — We
have also lost Mr Dulany the Commy whose office Mr Tasker
Senr has accepted but as it is necessary for a Person in that Em-
ployment to be skilled in the Law I beleive He would be well
p. 17
satisfied to have Mr Danl Dulany joined with him in the Com-
missn and as it is an encreasing Office it would I imagine
answer the expectations of Both should He also be approved of
by his Ldp: to succeed his Father in the Council I know not
of any Person more proper
[Sharpe to Calvert.]
transmitted by the aforementioned Capt.
having received advice of Mr Charles Goldsborough's inten-
tion to apply by Mr Hanbury's means for a seat in the Council
I thought proper to intimate to you that the Family from
which this Gentn is descended have always signalized them-
selves by their opposition to the Government; & little
Room from his general Behaviour to suppose this Gentns Senti-
ments differ from his Predecessors: neither can it be justly
represented (tho as a Lawyer he might have some Character
that any superiour Abilities give Him reason to expect his
p. 18