Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 17
the Subject allow me to wish you all meanes of hapiness, and
ashore you no freind you have wishes you better than I doe,
nor wold rejoys more to hear of your prosperity, but as I know
you Govrs have not much time to spair to write to your old
freinds and acquantances shall not be surprised if I have no
answer to this —
but to come to the point I had this day a letter from my
Sister Lady Margt Grham whom you know, beging me to
recomend to your protection two young Gentlemen in Anapolis,
the name of the one is George Stewart a Doctor as his brother
cals him, the other is caled William, but of what profesion is
not mentioned to me, I know nothing of ether of the men, but
if they behave well, as they are recomended by my sister I will
allways esteme it as a favour you take notis of them and doe
them what servis lays in your power, I have been close in Scot-
land since I saw you, so can write you no news but that our
marine affairs are in the same way you left them, My wife joins
me in best Respects to you, and with unalterable affection I am
My Dear Sharpe
Yr most affect freind
and humble Servant
Kilmarnoc Glencairn
24th Decr 1753.
[Calvert to Sharpe.]
London Iany the 5th 1754
I have yrs Augt the 22d & Sepr the 14th yr safe arrival at
Annapolis is a Satisfaction & pleasure to hear & of yr being
in the Seat of Govermt My Lord has yrs Sepr the 14th he sends
you his Complts & doubts not yr strict adherence to him & all
Concerns he has committ'd to yr Care. Is satisfied with yr observ-
ance of the 15th Article of his Instns to the Council, touching
his " Notice of continuance of Them his Council & Members
of the Uppr House of Assembly for their Steadiness to his
Father & their just Conduct during his Minority on Public
Affairs & in Support of his Rights. yr Observance of his
74th Article of Instns he approves."
The Summons of the Council to Consider of the Twelve
Miles Circle round New Castle Town" Had the Councils
opinion transmitt'd, answd the Resolve of the Instn by descrip-
tion, How at & near the Head of Chesopeak Bay Bears East
& North the Rivers Streamg in. That is, Whether their Spring
Heads wod be Clear off the Perisphry of the 12 Miles Circle to
be form'd round New Castle Town, it wod have been Satisfac-
tory. But of this you say " the Pensilvanians will not permit
any Person to take observations, therefore it is impossible to