transcripts, writeings and papers whatsoever belonging or in
any wise appertaining to the office of Examr Generall in order
that the same be delivered unto Henry Brent of Calvert
County Gentl: who is this day by Como constituted Examiner
Generall for this Province therefore in that office you are alsoe
hereby required to cease farther to act and that you take due
notice of this Sumo and order as you will answere the contrary
dated at the Councill Chamber att the Citty of St Maryes the
7th day of May in the XIIth yeare of the Dominion of the R'
Honble Charles &c.
Anno. Dom: 1687.
signed p order Jam Heath Cl. Consil:
To Maj: Thomas Taylor
late Examr Generall of this Province.
Was alsoe in favour of Mr Henry Brent made the following
order till such time his Commission could be drawn.