P. R. O.
Entry Book,
Vol. 52.
that Mr Attorney should proceed by Quo Warranto against the
Charter granted to the Lord Baltemore's ancestors of the pro-
priety of Maryland as also against the Governors and com-
panies of the Colony's of Connecticut Rhode Island and
Providence Plantation and against the Proprietors of East and
West Iersey and of Delaware all in America, His Majesty in
Councill this day thought fit to order and it is hereby ordered
that Sir Robert Sawyer Knight, his Majesty's attorney generall
do forthwith put the said order in execution by causing the
Proprietors of the aforesaid places to be prosecuted on the said
Writts according to law in order to the vacating of their severall
Charters or grants.
Memord for my Lord President
That his Majesty be moved
For the signification of his Pleasure concerning the writts of
Quo Warranto issued against the severall Proprietors and
Corporations in America.
Council Chamber
18th May 1687.