544 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
in regard he had well behaved himself in said place and duely
accompted with his Lordsps Treasurer Coll: Lowe then repre-
sented to the Board that although there be noe objection
against Mr Sweatnam yett he haveing had the benefitt of that
Place this 4 year and that Mr Smith is a very ingenious and
fitt person being alsoe responsible and haveing a good estate
of land in the said County is willing that other persons should
participate of his Lordship's favour as well as altogether one
man upon which considerations the Honble Coll: Digges and
Major Sewall gave their consents for the displaceing of the
said Sweatnam and appointing Mr Smith Sheriffs in his room.
Coll. Dar-
nall disas-
The Honble Coll. Darnall declares his disassent to the
displaceing Mr Sweatnam for that he had alwayes
well behaved himself in his said place and duely ac-
compted with his Lords' and that Mr Smith was a person he
had noe knowledge of and understood he came lately into the
County and was not possessed in right of himself of any land
in said County and therefore thought not convenient to dis-
place one whoe had given good proofe of his diligence and
honesty to adventure on an uncertainty.
Ordered Sheriff which being considered itt was by Majority
of Votes resolved and ordered that Mr Edward
p. 98
Sweatnam be discharged from being Sheriff of Kent County
and that Mr Allan Smith succeed him therein for the yeare
ensueing he givcing good security att St Maryes such as shall
be approved of by the Honble the Secretaryes and thereupon
issued the following order vizt
By the Deputy Lieuts in Councill
May 9th 1687.
Allan Smith ordr
Com: Sher: Kent
Ordered that Mr Allan Smith be appointed
Sheriff of Kent County for the yeare ensueing
and that he have Commission accordingly the
said Smith first giveing good security for the said place att the
Citty of St Maryes such as shall be approved of by the Honble
the Secretaryes as in that case is usuall
signed p order
Jam Heath Cl. Consil:
To the Honble the Secretaryes
of this Province
Att a Councill held att the Citty of St Maryes
the 12th day of May Anno 1687.
Coll: Henry Darnall
The honble Coll. Willm Digges
Maj Nicholas Sewall