Customes, Subsidies and other duties in this his Kingdome of
England send greeting Know yee that Wee the said Comisrs
by vertue of an Act of Parliament made in the 25th yeare of
his late Majestie's Reigne Intituled an Act for the Encourage-
ment of the Eastland and Greenland Trades and for better
securing the Plantation Trade and in pursuance to the
Authority and direction to us given by the Rt Honble the Lord
High Treasurer of England Have Deputed and Impowered
and doe hereby depute and impower Patrick Mein Esqr to be
Surveyor Generall of the rates and Dutyes ariseing and grow-
ing due to his Majtie by vertue of the said Act in his Majties
severall Collonyes and Plantations in America, whereby he
hath Power to enter into any Ship, Bottom, Boat or other Ves-
sell, as alsoe into any shop, House, Ware House, Hostery or
other place whatsoever to make diligent search into any Trunk,
Chest, Pack, Case, Truss or any other parcell or packadge what-
soever, for any goods, wares, merchandizes prohibited to be
exported or imported, or whereof the Customes or other
Dutyes have not been duely paid and the same to seize to his
Majesty's use and alsoe to put in execution all other the law-
full powers and authorityes for the better tnanageing and col-
lecting the said rates and dutyes in all things proceeding as the
law directs Hereby praying and requireing his Majties Officers
and Ministers and all others whom it may concern to be aiding
and assisting to him in all things as becometh Given under
our hands and Seal of the Custome house London this 18th of
9ber 1685.
Ch: Cheyne, D. North, Jo. Werden, W. Butler Buckworth
L. Chadleigh W. Dickenson.
p. 72