to be Surveyor Generall of his Majties Customes in the Colony
of Virginia and Maryland and other of his Majestie's Planta-
tions, and haveing given him certain Instructions for inspecting
the actions of our Collectors and other Officers there And to
give such directions as he shall find necessary for his Majestie's
service for better collecting the duties and for causing a strict
observation of the Acts of Trade and Navigation within the
said Collonyes and Plantations Wee desire that your Lordship
will please to give him your encouragement and assistance as
occasion in the premises We remain
Your Lordship's
Most humble servants
D. North
Custom House London Jo. Werden W. Butler
7th December 85 W. Dickinson L. Chadleigh
Governor of Maryland
For the Rt Honble Charles Lord Baltemore
Propry of his Majties Province of Maryland
in America.
To all which their Honrs expressed a ready complyance and
assured the said Mein of their Ayd, Assistance and encourage-
ment in all thing relateing to his Comisso and required by his
Majtie as often as occasion should be for the same.
The said Mein acquainted their Honrs he was very sensible
this Government had been misrepresented to his Majestie and
Comissrs of the Customes concerning the murder of one of his