520 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Att a Councill held at the City of St Maryes the 3d day of
Novembr 1686.
C Coll. Vincent Lowe Coll. Henry Darnall
The honble Coll. Wm Stevens
Maj. Nicholas Sewall
Mr Clement Hill.
Ind: appear
Came severall Indians belonging to the King of
Pocomoke viz: of Annamessex, Nasswatex, Ouan-
p. 69
danquan, & Aquinteca and made known to the Board they
were not satisfied with the Land as laid out by Coll: Stevens
and others in Askimenikonson Neck complaining that it is
barren and good for nothing but desired to have some Land
over the Creek where Bennitt Smith and Osborn are seated
the which this Board told them they could in noe wayes grant
by reason that Land is already taken up by other persons, at
which the Indians seem much dissatisfied, whereupon the Board
told them they would undertake to procure them enough of
that land they desire to plant Corn provided they would fence
in their Corn fields, which they would not promise but seemed
Ind: referred
to the As-
very much discontented, this Board then referred
this matter with the Indians to the Assembly.
The Space below in this folio and that on die other
side in fo: 71 was left to enter the Plot of the Indians
p. 71
Land laid out for them in Askiminekonson Neck, but the said
Plot being delivered to the Clerk of the Assembly for their
perusall could never afterwards be obtained by
Jam. Heath Cl: Consil:
Att a Councill held at the City of St Maryes the 5th day of
Nov 1686.
Coll. Vincent Lowe
Coll. Henry Darnall
Coll: William Stevens
The honble Coll. William Burges
Maj: Nicho Sewall
Coll. Edward Pye
Mr Clement Hill
Pat: Mein presents
Comiso for Sur: Genll
Patrick Mein Esqr being admitted made
known to their Honrs he was impowered by
the Comiso of his Majesties Customes to be
Surveyor Generall of his Majestie's Customes in these parts
and produced his Comiso a Letter from his Majtie as alsoe a