496 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
the Inhabitants Taxables of this Province were not then quali-
fied and supplied with necessary and convenient sloops, Boats
and other vessells to lade, transport and carry such Tobaccoes,
wares, merchandizes and manufactures to the Ports and Places
of Trade as in an Act intituled An Act for Advancement of
Trade (in the said Proclamation recited) are required And
likewise that whereas all Masters of shipps Marinors, Mer-
chants and Factors trading hither and not residents of this
Province by the said Act are disabled to lade transport and
carry such Tobaccoes Wares and Manufactures of this Prov-
ince as is in the said Act named to the Ports and Places of
Trade aforesaid By meanes whereof the same would have
remained att the severall Plantations where the same was made
and produced which might have putt the Inhabitants of this
Province to some inconvenience as well as the disappointment
and impediment of shipping In tender consideration whereof
wee did with the advice and consent of his Ldp's Councill (for the
ease and benefitt of the Inhabitants of this Province and of the
severall Masters, Marrinors, Merchants and Factors that traded
of the former
here the last yeare) Tolerate any the Inhabitants
of this Province to employ any Boat, Sloop, Shallop
or other Vessell whatsoever to lade transport and
carry to such shipping Places as by the said Act is appointed
All such Tobaccoes Wares and Manufactures in the said Act
mentioned without any Loss, Damage, seizure, forfeiture or
of the former
penalty whatsoever by the said Act prescribed Pro-
vided as in the said Proclamation is provided The
which Liberty and Toleration was given to the
Inhabitants of this Province with intent the better to enable
them to comply with what the said Act requires in order to the
providing themselves with Boates, Sloopes and other Vessells
to transport their Tobaccoes and other Commodityes of the
Country to the severall respective Townes as the said Act re-
quires Wee noe wayes doubting butt that the Inhabitants and
p. 44
good people of this Province using their utmost endeavour to
promote the welfare of this Province Have accordingly made
due Provision in order to a ready complyance in all things with
an Act soe beneficiall for the Advancement of Trade and con-
sequently for the good of this Province Notwithstanding that
some evill minded persons have and doe endeavour to per-
suade the good people of this Province that the forwarding
and promoting of Townes is not for the Advantage of the In-
habitants of this Province whereas itt evidently appears that
such men have noe other then covetous and sinister ends to
promote their own private gain and noe way desire the publick
by promoting
good of this Province For that in all places where
there has been any advancement towards the build-