Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 497
the building
of Townes.
ing of Towns the Inhabitants there abouts resideing
doe sufficiently experience the Profitt & Benefitt
Liber B.
P. R. O.
accrewing thereby as is likewise most apparent in all our
neighbour Collonyes and Plantations where none have been
known to thrive. The Country plentifully to be supplyed with
necessaryes at easy rates nor Trade advanced (which enriches
the Inhabitants by ready vending the Produce of their labours)
But where their first care has been for the erecting and building
of Townes And therefore that soe generall and publick a
good may be noe longer withheld nor detained from the In-
Acts for
ment of
strictly to
be observed.
habitants of this Province Wee the said Deputyes
Lieuts together with the advice and consent of his
Ldp's Councill doe hereby publish and declare that
the Acts intituled an Act for Advancement of Trade
made att a Generall Assembly Anno 1681 and an
additionall and supplementary Act to the Act for Advancement
of Trade made att a Generall Assembly held in Aprill 1684
relateing to the raiseing of Townes be with all vigour and
strictness observed in all and every Clauses thereof As well in
the prohibiting all Masters, Marrinors, Merchants, Factors and
other Persons from lading on board any Boat, Sloop", Shallop
or other vessell whatsoever any the goods and commodyties of
this Country in the said Acts named in any other Place or
Places then are in the said Acts ordained and appointed for
shipping Places under the severest penaltyes in the said Acts
mentioned Butt alsoe strictly injoyning all manner of Persons
whatsoever as well the Inhabitants of this Province as others
resideing here that they presume not to vend, sell or expose
any goods or merchandizes whatsoever by the said Acts in-
tended, at any other place or places then such as are appointed
in the said Acts for Townes and shipping places under the
severest paines and forfeitures by the said Acts imposed And
for the better and more effectuall putting into execution the
said Acts Wee have with the advice and consent aforesaid
officers ap- nominated appointed and particularly ordered meet
pointed. and fitt persons living convenient to the respective
Townes that they take especiall care to see the said Acts
observed And to give information of any that after the Publi-
cation hereof shall refuse to comply in all things as the said Acts
require, in order that they be prosecuted to the utmost rigour
of the Law Hereby also declaring that whosoever after the
p. 45
Penalty to
be inflicted
upon those
that speak
agt building
of Townes.
Publication hereof shall presume to report or any
wayes publish or declare that the Building of Townes
is not for the advancement of Trade or the good of
this Province or in any other words to that effect
shall be deemed as Persons ill affected to the Gov-
ernment and be accordingly severely punished Alsoe Wee