Coll: Vincent Lowe Coll. Henry Darnall
The honble Coll. William Digges
Maj: Nicho Sewall
[Mr Clement Hill
Ordered that Writts issue to the Gentlemen of the Upper
House of Assembly for their appearance at the Generall
Assembly to be held att the Citty of St Marys the last Tuesday
in October next And likewise that Writts goe forth to the
Sheriffs of St Marys, Kent, and Dorchester Countys to choose
Delegates to serve in the Assembly to be held as aforesaid in
the roomes of Mr Clement Hill for St Maryes County (being
called to his Ldp's Councill and by consequence to the Upper
House of Assembly) and of Mr Henry Hosier for Kent County
he being dead, and of Mr Edward Pindar for Dorchester
County he being made Sheriff of the said County. The above
said Order issued verbat directed to the Honble the Secretaryes
or their Chief Clerk Dated the 14th of Septr Ann: 1686.
signed p order Jam. Heath Cl. Consil.