P. R. O.
to contest with Maryland about my Lord Baltemore his patent
Reaching to the Fortieth Degree of Latitude but a Random
soe neere as wee could agree to draw a line between the two
Governments wee being informed that the Schuilkill did lye
under forty degrees farre above Delaware Towne
I myselfe could never hear them speake to what degree they
pretended when I was that whole yeare in Holland neither did
any such thing appeare in any of their Letters onely Agree
with your Neighbours in Maryland for feare of opposicon from
that side.
In the yeare 1664 arrived Collo Nichlus set out by his Matie
whereupon the Fort and Country was brought under submission
by Sr Robert Carr as Deputed with two Shipps to that intent
Sr Robert Carr did protest often to me that he did not come
as an Enemy but as a friend demanding onely in friendship
what was the Kings Right in that Country There was taken
from the Citty of Amsterdam and the Inhabitants thereabout
one hundred Sheep and thirty or forty horses fifty or sixty
cowes and Oxon The Number of betweene Sixty and Seventy
Negroes Brewhouse Still house and all materialls thereunto
belonging the produce of the Land for that Yeare as Corne
hay that were likewise seized by Sr Robert Carr for the Use of
the King and likewise the Cargoe that was unsold and the
Bill for what was sold they also gott in their Custody, being all
to the value so neere as I now can remember of Foure Thou-
sand pounds sterling likewise Armes powder and shott in a
great quantity Four and twenty greate Gunns were the greatest
part transported to New Yorke The Dutch Soldiers were taken
prisoners & given to the Merchantman that was there in recom-
pense of his Service and into Virga they were transported to
be sold as it was credibly reported by Sr Robert Carrs Officers
and other persons there liveing in the Towne All sorts of
Tooles for handicraft tradesmen and all plow geer and other
things to Cultivate the ground which were in the store in great
quantity, as likewise a saw Mill to saw planke ready to sett up
and nine sea buyes with their Iron chaines Great quantity of
Phisicall meanes besides the Estate of Governor Debouissa and
myselfe except some household stuffe and a Negroe I gott
away and some other moveables Sr Robert Carr did permitt
me to sell.
Coll Nickles understanding that Sr Robert Carr had gott
att Delaware tooke all againe from the said Sir Robert Carr
when the said Coll came there againe in person (as I was
informed) being upon the way for Maryland; There was like-
wise a boat dispatched to the Whorekill and there plundered
and tooke possession of all effects belonging to the Citty of
Amsterdam as also what belonged to the Quakin Society of