Lord Baltemore protesting in the name of Caecilius Baron of
Baltemore in a manner and forme as afore the deputyes had
done att delaware The Company was sitting then in the New
West India House in Amsterdam where the said Iames Neale
did appeare and protest by Notoriall Act of the wrong done
to his Lordship by their Ministers of State in America by usurp-
ing and unlawfully possessing a Considerable part of his province
of Maryland, Especially that part which was called by the Name
of Delaware Bay demanding not onely the Restauration of the
said Territoryes soe uniustly detained with satisfaction also for
the injury his Lops hath sustained thereby The West India
Company returnes a proud Answer sayeing they possesse the
same by Generall Octeroy granted to them by the states of
Holland That they were resolved by the vertue of the same
Octeroy to defend their iust and Lawfull Title with such meanes
as God and nature had put into their hands and other Circum-
stances as may appeare by the same Instrument which Copy
of protest was sent to us att delaware—whereupon wee did
resolve to Quit the Whorekill thinking it better to quitt that
place than to run the hazard of weakening New Amstell. The
English then came out of Maryland from a part now called
Somersett County and drew neere the Whorekill trading with
the Indians whereupon it was reported, That the said English
men began to build and settle in that part of the Country
The Citty of Amsterdam thereupon did send us expresse Orders
to protest against the said English men And in case they would
not remove them to Compell them by force of Armes All this
while we stood upon our defence against Maryland.
A Commander and sixteene men were sent to the Whore-
kill to take possession againe but another Resolution was taken
a short while after to call the said soldiers back and soe the
Whorekill was left againe The Citty of Amsterdam hereby
was very much discouraged and did absolutely incline to leave
and Abandon the said Colony as appeared by their writeings
and scarcenesse of Goods and provisions they did send in
whereupon I my selfe was deputed for Holland for a whole
yeare resideing there to remonstrate the Condition of the said
Colony and to Encourage the Citty of Amsterdam to goe on
with their designe which att last they undertooke by New
Resolution chargeing us strictly not to committ in makeing a
division between the English Neighbours and us, To the end
they might not receive any repulse from that side as may
appeare by their owne letters written to the Governor and
Councill at Delaware. To which end they ordered us to build
a fort upon Ritten Island neere where they did think the
Division might be yet notwithstanding that Division not to be
absolutely conclusive but provisionally For wee did not intend
P. R. O.