Plockhoy to a very naile according to letter written by one of
that Company to the Citty of Amsterdam In which Letter
Complaint was made That the Indians at the Whorekill had
declared they never sold the Dutch any land to Inhabitt.
I have omitted what past in the yeare 1659 when severall of
the Dutch came away from Delaware and sheltered themselves
under the Government of Maryland some under pretence that
they could not get their liveing there and others that wee had
noe right or title to the land wee Inhabited as I suppose they
Conjectured by the difference there was between Maryland and
Delaware I myselfe went to Maryland to demand those persons
back againe from the Leiutenant Generall of that Province and
from the Chancellor Philip Calvert with whom I spoke, but
could receive noe satisfaction as to my demand.
Maryland ss May 12th 1684.
Memded: then came afore us Garratt Vansweeringen of the
City of St Maries within this province gent aged Eight and
forty years or thereabouts and having taken his Oath upon the
holy Evangejist by us in Councill to him administred deposeth
and saith that what is herein before contained and declared to
to be of his owne knowledge is the truth of his knowledge and
well knowne to him to be in manner as is sett downe and what
else herein before contained and declared to be the report or
rumor of those times was indeed by him received as such from
good credible and sufficient persons to be the dealings and
transactions of those times in manner and forme as is herein
before sett downe, to the truth whereof the said Garratt
Vansweeringen hath hereunto sett his hand the day and yeare
Att a Councill held at Matapany Sewall
the Twelfth day of May 1684
The aforegoing deposition then taken
before us.
Henry Darnall
Wm Digges Vansweeringen.
Nicholas Sewall
John Darnall. (Endorsed)
Vansweeringen's relation
Touching the seating of
Delaware river
Read 8 Oct 85
Inner Temple, June 30th 84.
There is a cause depending before the Lords Committees
for forrein planations between William Penn Lessee to His