P. k. 0.
Delaware in a Ship called the Beaver hired at New York, after
the Ship prince Maurace was lost, this was the 25th day of
Aprill 1657 when we tooke possession of the Fort now called
Newcastle and the Soldiers of the West India Company quitted
the same. After this Capt Crigor being Comanded to go for
Maryland then called by us Virginia Upon the Isle of Kent the
11th day of Septembr 1657 he returned againe and reported
that the English Governr was prepareing to come over to Dela-
ware whereupon good watch was kept and the Fort putt into
repaire and likewise the Freemen of the town kept to their
duty The English desisting from their designe wee had now
repulse from that side.
The Governorand and Ministers of State in Maryland coming
to understand that the Dutch and Swedes encreased in Dela-
ware That they began to make settlemt there And that in
time it would be a hard matter to remove them or make them
sensible that they were within the precincts of Maryland which
had not bin much reguarded before by the Officers of Mary-
land For in my opinion they considered the Dutch and
Swedes onely as traders not having any setled Govermt or
Governor before.
Now in the yeare 1659 Deputyes were sent from Maryland
to the Town of New Amstell I myself then being one of the
Counsell and Comissary Generall for the Citty of Amsterdam
in that place The Deputyes were Coll: Nathaniell Uty Majr
Samuell Goldsmith and Mr George Uty with severall persons
of note in Maryland Jacob Young being then Interpreter Coll
Uty then product his Letters of Credence signed (Josias Fen-
dall) and the protest was read signed (Philip Calvert) wherein
was sett forth (soe neere as I can remember) The injury done to
the Lord Baltemore by their unlawful and forcible possion kept
by them of those partes in his Lops Province, And that his Lop
agl his will should be forct to use the Extremity of Arms if that
part of his Country was not delivered up, some copyes of
Records tending to his Lops purpose were produced what
they were I must now remember whereupon the said deputyes
were dismist And upon the same day a Rumor went all the
towne over that Majr Goldsmith at a house of Margaret Davies
a Scotch woman did publickly proclaim to our Inhabitants att
least to those that were there present that all Land thence
forth was to be taken up under a Patent from Lord Baltemore
and the land taken up already was to be held under him by
the Same Authority which was very ill taken up by us and we
resolved to stop those hott proceedings but upon consider-
ation and other reasons wee past it by for that time.
Againe in the year 1660 did appeare att Amsterdam in
Holland Capt Iames Neale being a person deputed from the