Att a Councell held att the Citty of St Marys
The 15th day of Decembr 1668—
Prsent Charles Caluert Esqr Gouernr Jerome White
Philip Caluert Esqr Chancellor Coll: Wm Evans Esqr Councellors
Was then taken into Consideracon the Confirming of such
lands as was allotted the Pascattaway Annacostanck Doags
Mikikiwoman Manasquesend Mattawomans Chingwawateick
Nanjemauk Portobacco Sacayo Pangayo and Chaptico Indians
upon the peace Continued & concluded on between the
English and them att the last Assembly held in Aprill one
Thowsand Six hundred Sixty Six.
Wherefore it is Ordered that all persons be prohibited &
forbiden hereby from Seating upon or taking up of any land
that doth lye between the head of Mattawoman Creek and the
head of Pascattaway Creek untill such part or porcon of land
out of the Same be allotted or laid out either by Naturall
bounds or Otherwise, for the aforesaid Indians wthin which
bounds the said seuerall Nacons of Indians (prouided it stands
with theire liking) are to retreat and draw theither with theire
wiues and familyes Otherwise if the Sd Indians doe not like
and approue of the said place for theire abode and residence
then such porcon of land on part whereof the said Indians was
resident att the Concluding of the aforesaid peace is to be sett
forth and Confirmed unto them in such a quantity as shall bee
thought sufficient and requisite for theire whole number of