Comcon issued to Geo: Johnson for sherriffe of Somersett
County for one whole yeare dated the
Warrt also issued for the said Johnson to returne
a list of the Tythables in the abouesaid County by
the 20th of August next
August the xixth MDClxviij
Comission for the peace in the County of St Maries by Ordr
from the Rt Honble the Leiftenent Genrll issued authorizeing.
Mr Robert Slye
Thomas Dent Gent of the Quorum
Luke Gardner
Wm Bretton
Nicholas Young
Gent Comissioners wth addicon of
Richard Loyd Mr William Rosewell
James Martin
John Warren
Walter Hall Clerke. ut est fol 246./—
Att a Councell held att Mattapenny the first of Sept 1668
Prsent Charles Caluert Esqr Gouernor Jerome White
Philip Caluert Esqr Chancellor Baker Brook Esqrs Councellors
Coll: Wm Euans