It is likewise thought Conuenient and soe Ordered that there
be a trade maintain'd and held by the English wth the Easterne
Shore Indians—
Vpon the petn of Charles Delaroch Robert Waterson Andrew
Murrow and Henry Kircouen late souldiers in the last Expe-
dicon agt the Indians that they be Ordered theire pay in the
next publ leuy Further Ordered that it be Certifyed undr the
Councells hands unto the Troopers in Generall that were out
in the aforesaid Expedicon that they haue theire pay likewise
in the next publicque leauy and that Capt Philemon Loyd doe
Certify in a list agt that time the names of such troopers as
were undr his or any other persons Comand in the said Warr—
Further Ordered that what persons soeuer That shall build
any howsing on any the lands Ordained for townes wthin this
prouince shall haue twelue times the quantity of land allotted
to him or them that euery such howse shall stand upon and
that Smootes Creek in Charles County shall be one of the
places nominated & appointed for a Towne and that some
other place to bee pitched upon by Jerome White Esqr The
Surueyr Generall shall be ordained for another towne in Porto-
bacco in the said County and that the said surueyr Generall
doe Certify what place is soe pitched upon by him to the
Justices att the next Prouina1l- Court that the same may bee in-
certed in a more prfect Proclamacon then to issue for the
Nominating of all the laws appointed wthin the Province for
the building & erecting of townes within each County there
being some other places nomited since the last Proclamacon
issued att the last Prouina11 Court.