30 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1667-75.
Liber H. H.
English & in case the English & Indians meete in the woods
accidentally every Indian shall be bound immediately to throw
downe his Armes vpon call & in case any Indian soe meeting
an English man shall refuse to throw downe his armes vpon
call he shall be deemed as an Enemy
4ly The Priveledge of Hunting crabbing and fowling and
fishing shall be preserved to the Indians Invioably
5ly That every Indian that Killeth or stealeth a hogg calfe
or other Beast or any other goods shall vnder goe the same
punishmt that an English man doth for the same Offence
6ly In case any servts or Slaves runn a way from their
Masters & come to any of the Indian Townes within the
Territories of Vnnacokasimmon and his Subjects they shall be
bound to apprehend the said ffugitives and bring them to the
next English plantacon to be Conveyed to their Masters and in
case any Indian aforesaid shall shall convey or assist any such
ffugitives in their fflight out of this province that he shall
make their respective Master or Misteris of such servants or
Slaves such satisfaccon as an English man ought to doe in the
like case
7ly That the said Emperor shall not make any new Peace
with our Enemyes nor shall make any warr with out the
consent of the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary or his cheife
Governour for the tyme being.
p. 298
8thly In case the said Vnnakasimmon or any Indian Subject
to him shall Kill a Babco or any of his Indians or any other in
Peace and Amety wth the said lord Proprietary shall be
Esteemed as great an Offence as Killing of an Englishman:
The marke of
+ [seale]
In Presence of Philip Calvert
p. 295
May the 4th
Comcon then issued from the Rigt Honble Charles Caluert
Esqr Leiutennt Generall of this Prouince and directed to the
Commrs for the County of Ann Arrundell to sweare into the
Comcon for Justices of peace for the said County, these persons
following (uizt) Thomas Marsh John Ewen Robt ffrancklin and
John Welch, and that Samuell Chew and George Puddington
be added to the Quorum wth Robt Burle allready constituted
thereof in the Originall Comcon—
p. 298
June the Cominn then issued to John Vicaris Capt of all the
5th 1668 forces of Kent County Idm mutatis mutandis p ut fo.