Itt is agreed vpon that, that from this Day forward
Imprimis there be an Invioable peace & Amity Between the
Rt Honoble the lord Proprietary of this province and the
Emperor of Nantecoke vpon the Articles hereafter in this
Treaty to be agreed vpon to the worlds end to Endure &
that all former Acts of Hostility & Damages whatsoeur by
either party susteyned be buried in perpetuall Oblivion
2d That the said Emperor of Nanticoake shall deliur up
the whole nacon of Wiccomisses and all those Indians that
protected the Murderers of Capt Odberr that lived at Sicacone
Towne to the honoble the Governour of this Province And
further that if any Indian Subject to the said Emperour shall
hereafter chance to Kill an English man that the sd Emperor
shalbe Obliged to deliur such Indian vp to the Governour of
this Province as a prisoner.
3d Forasmuch as the English cannot easily distingish one
Indian from a Nother that noe Indian shall come into any
English plantacon paynted & that all the Indians shall be
bound to call aloud before they come within Three hundred
paces of any English manns cleere Ground and lay downe
their Armes whether Gunn Bowes or Arrowes or other weapon
for any English man tht shall appeare vpon his call to take vpp
& in case noe one appeare that he shall there leave his said
Armes if he come neerer & that after wards by calling alowd
endeavour to give notice to the English of his neerer Approach
And if any English mann shall Kill any Indian that shall
come vnpainted & give such notice & Deliur vp his Armes as