Maryland ss. The declaracon of the leivtennt Generall & Coun-
cell concerning the appointing of certeyne places for
the vnladeing & selling of all goods and mrchandizes
brought into this pvince sett forth by Speciall comand
from the Rt honble the lord Proprietary of this Pro-
Whereas I have received express instruccons & direccons
from the Rt honble Csecilius lord Baltemore Absolute lord &
Proprietary of this Province of Maryland To make Erect &
constitute wthin this Province such & soe many Sea Ports,
Harbours, Creekes & other places for discharge & vnladeing
of goods & mrchandizes out of shipps, boates and other Vessells
in such and soe many places & with such rights Jurisdiccons
libtys & privildges vnto the said Ports belonging as some
shall seeme most expedient And that all & singuler the shipps
boates and other vessells which shall come for mrchandize and
trade vnto the said province or out of the same shall depte
shall be vnladen only at such ports & places as shalbe soe erected
& constituted according to the power and authority to him the
sd Lord Propry by lres patts of his Royall Matie King Charles
the first of England &c granted I haveing with the advice
of his lops Councell taken into serious consideracon the said
Instruccons & direccons soe to me sent as aforesaid & well
weighing and considering which may be fitt and convenient
places wthin the sd province for the same Doe Ordaine erect
and constitute theis places here after menconed to be for Sea
Ports Harbours creekes & places for the discharging and
vnlading of goods and merchandizes out of shipps & boates
and other vessells And tht noe shipps boates or other vessells
shall discharge or vnlade any goods and mrchandizes in any
other place or places wthin this pvince whatsoeur vnder the
paines and penaltyes hereafter in this Declaracon menconed &
expressed That is to say at East st Mary's in St Maries
County Att Brickhill point in Mattapany Manr & at Hollowing
point in Calvert Mannor in Patuxt riur in Calvert County Att
Charles Towne in his lops fforrest nigh Humphry Warrens