Further Ordered that ProclamacOn doe issue throughout the
prouince (uizt) That the Wiccomeses Indians bee declared
held and reputed Enemyes to the Inhabitants of this prouince
as allsoe all other Indians that shall receiue harbour or enter-
tain e them—
Alsoe Ordered that Lt Wm Smyth be sattisfyed for his Charge
in keeping in Custody the said 4 Indians and theire Guard, out
of the publicque leauy 1295l tob: and 2590l tob: more by the
Gouernor & Chancellor Who takes to theire owne uses the
three young Indians last named and payes the said Charge for
the Country the Old Indian being first named to be forthwith
Charles Calvert Esqr Capt Generall of all the forces within
this province of Maryland under the Right Honble Caecilius
Absolute Lord and proprietary of the same To Major Thomas
Ingram of Talbott County Greeting According to the power to
mee by his said Lopp Comitted and upon the speciall trust and
Confidence I have in your fidelity circumspection courage and
good Conduct I doe hereby Constitute Ordaine and appoint
you Major and Comander under Mee of all the forces that at
present are raised or which hereafter shall be raised or Come
in under your Comand to march in any expedition against all
such Indians as are or shall be declared held Knowne and
reputed enemyes to the Inhabitants of this province Revoking
and annulling by these presents all powers Comissions or Con-
stitutions made by me to any person or persons whatsoever
relateing or tending to any Comand or Office in the said
March or expedition against the abovesaid enemy Giveing
and Granting to you the said Major Thomas Ingram full power
and authority to Depute Ordaine and appoint such and so
many Officers as shall be requisite, necessary and of ability to
Officiate under your Comand which said power or Comand so
by you deputed Ordained or appointed by vertue hereof shall
be as firme and effectuall to all intents and purposes as if
imediate Comission did proceed from mee with the like power
to the said Officer or Officers provided alwayes that such
Comissions or power so given by you exceed not the limitts of
your owne Or contrary to such directions Orders or instruc-
tions as I doe herewith send or which hereafter you shall from
tyme to tyme receive from Mee, which forces abovementioned
you are hereby required to muster exercise and traine up in
the Art of warre and in military discipline and in all things to
doe as any Major of a Regiment may or of Right Ought to
doe to the resistance of all enemyes suppression of all mutines,
insolencyes insurrections and rebellions whatsoever And to
that end to list such and so many of the inhabitants of your