signifie his or their pleasure to the Contrary And all persons
whatsoever are hereby strictly Charged and required to yeild
all due Obedience to you the said Major Thomas Ingram in all
things appurteineing to the Comand and Office conferred On
you as they will answer the Contrary at their perils Given
under my hand and seale the seaventh day of August in the
six and thirtith yeare of his Lopps Dominion Over the said
province Annoq. Dom MDClxvij
Att a Councell held att St Marys Augo 24th 1667
Charles Caluert Esqr Leiutennt Generall
prsent—Philip Caluert Esqr Chancellor
Jerome White Esqr Councellor
Mr Francis Wright of Baltemore County being sent by the
Susquehannoths to the Gouernor and Councell was called in,
Who declared that the said Indians did require assistance &
amunicon from the Councell sufficient to goe agt any Indian
Enemy & likewise declared Enemyes to the inhabitants of this
prouince according to One of the Articles of Agreemt and
peace made by the English to the said Susquesahanoughs,
Whereupon Ordered that soe many men be prest as the
Susquesahanoughs shall require to theire aide and Assistance
and sent them up forthwith
Also that a quantity of powder be deliuered unto Mr. Francis
Wright, and the said Indians to be supplied out of the same as
the said Wright shall see requisite and Conuenient
The Gouernor and Councell hath further determined to goe
up into Baltemore County and there to giue the Susquesa-
hanoughs a meeting about the 15th day of September next to
treat wth the said Indians about the peace and safety of this
prouince, how to proceed (with the Susquesahanoughs as-
sistance) agt any Indians now held and declared Enemyes to
this prouince—
Commission yssued to Capt Leivtennt Smith dat. the 7th of
Septembr 1667. Idm mutat. mutandis p ut as to Nicholas
Young folio. 250.
Idm mutat mutandis to Lievtennt Daniell Jenifer p ut to
Wm Smith foli 252. dat. 7 th septemb 1667