Mutatis mutandis to Philemon Loyd Capt of the horse in
Chester and Wye River.
Mutatis Mutandis to Jacob Bremington Capt of the foot in
Chester and Wye River—
Mutatis Mutandis to Hopkin Davis Capt of the ffoot in
Choptanck and St Miles Rivers.
Moses Staggoll constituted Sheriff for Kent County (ut
forma 279) mut. mutandis for One whole yeare to be computed
from the last of May last past and after &c dated 5th July
xxxvjth yeare. Edmund Burton security
warrt to Capt Vaughan to sweare the said Staggoll also
to take bond for the true performance thereof—. value
500 £ sterl
July the xvijth MdClxuij
patent DenizacOn mutatis mutandis
ut est in fol 277. John Jourdean.
Att a Councell held att Petuxent the 6th day of Augo 1667
Charles Caluert Esqr Leiutennt Generall and Cheife
prsent—Philip Caluert Esqr Chancellor
Ierome White
Henry Coursey Esqrs Justices
Capt Ino Odber and his Seruant being lately murdered by
some of the Wiccomeses Indians, and sattisfaccon being of
them demanded and to returne and deliuer up those Indians
(who Committed the murder) by William Coursey Esqr being
impowred thereunto by the Gouernor, which said demand was
utterly refused to bee answered by them, alleadging that the
English had kill'd them a woman which they thoughte suffi-
cient sattisfaccon, therefore did expect those foure Indians now
in Custody att st marys (and lately taken prisoners by the
English to be detain'd untill the murderers were brought in by
the Wiccomeses) should be deliuered up, and that then they
would make Articles of peace wth the English otherwise they
would not
Whereupon after a full Relacon giuen of all proceedings by
said Coursey being prsent in the said expedition to the towne
of the wiccomeses and att the taking of the abouesaid foure
Indian Prisoners by names Tawahcomoco, Oughseecough,
Augheirtt Starinough, and Oneawont The whole Board doth
adjudge the said 4 Indians Condemned to dye as Enemyes to
the Inhabitants of this prouince—