your warrant Given under my hand and Seal of Office this
12th day of Iuly 1672
Robt Ridgely Cler Cur Provin
To Mr Thomas Iones one
of his Lordships Iustices of Locus Sigilli
Peace for Worcester County
The Oath of Clerk
You shall well and truly serve the right Honble the Lord
Proprietary in the Office of Clerk of the County Court of
Worcester County during such time as you shall Continue
Clerk there a true and exact Account you shall keep of all
Business that shall be Transacted in the said County due and
Legal process you shall issue and no other true Copies of such
Records you shall Give attested under your hand and in all
things as Clerk of the said County you shall well and truly
behave your self without favour or Affection hatred or malice
to any person whatsoever
So help you God &ca
Maryland sst
By his Excellency the Captain