To all persons whom this
shall or may Concern
An Ordinance of his Excellency Cha Calvert Esqr
Captain General and chief Governor of this Province of
Maryland and the honble Council Set forth and pub-
lished for redressing the several misdemeanors of
Deputy Surveyors within this Province
Forasmuch as heretofore there have been many Complaints
by several of the Inhabitants within this Province against
deputy Surveyors of divers wrongs and Injuries that they have
suffered by such deputy Surveyors that have misdemeaned
themselves in execution of their Office to the great Prejudice
of the said Complainants and for that they have so long many
times delayed their Seeking for remedy to such their Grievances
that either the Person that so injured them hath been dead or
gone out of the Province for the prevention of the like incon-
veniences for the future be it Ordained by his Excellency the
Captain General with the advice of his Lordships Council that