the several Bonds of Navigation You shall take from the
respective Vessels you shall so enter and Clear as aforesaid I
hereby allowing you for your Care and Pains in the execution
of the Premises ten pr Cent Out of the Imposition money Port
duties and Secretaries fees Given under my hand and Seal
at Arms this 11th Iuly in the 41st Year of the dominion of
Cecilius &ca Annoq Dom 1672
To Captain Thomas Iones Cha Calvert
high Sheriff of Somerset
County These Locus Sigilli
July 12th 1672
Letters of denization issued under the Great Seal of this
Province unto Mary Mills Daughter of Peter Mills of Saint
Marys County
Maryland sst
Whereas his Excellency the Captain Genl hath Erected the
Horekeil and Seaboard side into a County by the name of
Worcester County and there being no Clerk as yet appointed
for the Attending of the Commissioners of the said County
and Keeping the Records thereof and Sir William Talbot
Baronet Principal Secretary of Maryland having empowred me
fully for the deputing and Empowring all Clerks within this
Province and being willing that the publick Business should
not in any manner of ways be retarded or delayed for want of
a Clerk and my self being wholly unacquainted with the In-
habitants of those Parts do hereby Authorize and Empower
you Thomas Jones Gent one of the Iustices of the same County
to depute & Appoint such Person as to you shall seem meete