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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 437   View pdf image (33K)
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             Court and Testamentary Business, 1648.     437

      16o Novembr 1649word to forewarne him, for he Liber A.

      Thomas Greene Esqrwould obey noe such order. p. 202

      the prsent Governor of this Province acknowledgeth he  ffor there was noe Law in the

      hath received of Edward Commins    prouince, & bee would carry

      for his Lopps vse 1000 l of Tob:

      and for himselfe 500 l of Tob:      em away.

      And Mrs Margarett Brent his    And the Attorney made


      Lopps late Attorney acknowledged that shee hath received for his Lopps proofe thereof in 2 severall

      vse 1000 l of Tub: in full satisfaccon oathes. Whereuppon Mr Brent

      f this Judgmt Witnes our hands Marg. Brent being requyred to deliur his


                            Opinion, Deliuered in these

      words That he censured the deft to be fyned to the Ld Propr in

      the suinme of 2000 l Tob. And for his Daring of the Gou

      500 l Tob. to the sd Gour

        And the Gour concurred to the Censure 9o Nouembr

                                Exeqn ad satisfaciendü

        Copie Eod to M' Commins.


        Nouembr 7o Thomas Mathewes demandeth of Rich: Duke

      400 l Tob: & Cask, & barrells Corne, dew by Bill.

        wart to the Sheriffe ret. Decembr Court.


        Sub pcena to Jno Shirtcliffe (att the request of Edw. Corn

      mins) to testify touching accts betweene him & ffran: Brooks,

      vppon perill of forfeiting 100 l Tob. for non appearance.

        ret. Decembr Court.


        560 l Edward Packer demandeth of ffrancis Van Enden

      560 l Tob & cask dew uppon acct &

        warrt to the Sheriffe ret. ffeb: Court.


      June 25 1648

        Sold to Mr Thomas Bradnox of Kent Two old female Cattle,

      the one pyed cropd & slitt on the right eare, the other black

      of John Abbotts marke, Cropd on the neer eare & a hole in

      it, & slitt the farther eare, wch I haue taken, & doe challenge

      for one of tht stock, web Abbotts did wrongfully dispossesse

      mee of. And I doe hereby oblige my selfe, in case the sd

      Beast of Abbotts mrk be recovered from him, to make good

      his dammage therein unto him. wittnes my hand they day &

      yeare aboue written             Signed

      Wittnes Thomas Mathewes     Giles Brent.

              Phill Conner


        Edward Commins of the lie of Kent in the prouince of Mary

      Land acknowledgeth himselfe to owe & stand indebted unto

      Mrs Margarett Brent of St Maries in the prouince aforesd in

      the summe of Twenty Thowsand pownds of Tob & cask, to be

      pd unto her the sd Mrs Brent or her Assignes.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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