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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 438   View pdf image (33K)
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                 438     Court and Testamentary Business, 1648.


             Liber A. The Condicon of this obligaon is such, tht if the sd Edward

                  Commins shall appeare by himselfe or Attorney att the Court

                  to be held att St Maries in Decernbr next, to answere to

                  the suite of the sd Mrs Brent in an accon of 20000 l Tob: &

                  cask, & abide & performe iudgmt of the Court therein. That

                  then this pnt obligaon to be uoyd: otherwise to stand in full

                  force. As wittnes my hand this nouembr 1648

                                           The + mrk of

                  Recognit                 Edw: Commins.

                  Willm Bretton.


              p.  203 This day Tho: Greene Esqr Gouernor appoynted Giles Brent

                  Esq one of his Lps Councell. Judge in the cause betwixt him

                  selfe, & Capt Robt Vaughan, Coinder of the Ile of Kent, & to

                  issue out writts touching tht cause.

                                                   Tho: Greene


                    This day came Edw: Commins before the Gout & Councell

                  & acknowledgeth himselfe to haue uttered words of defamaon

                  agst ffrancis Brooks, in terming him periur'd & expresseth

                  sorrow for the sd fact. & desyreth of the sd ffrancis Brooks then

                  present to wthdraw his accon agst him, touching tht matter.

                    And thereuppon the sd ffrancis Brooks wthdraw his action.

                    Copie to if. Brooks


                    James Langworth complayneth agst Willm Wheateley for

                  tht the sd Wm Wheatley sometime in the yeare 1644 tooke

                  away from Nicolas Harueys howse in Patuxent ryur certaine

                  quanty of Corne of the plfs to the dam mage of the Complt 1 200 l


                    wart to the Sheriufe ret Decembr Cout

                    Sub pena to Joseph Eiow & his wife to testify.


                    Mrs Margarett Brent Attorney of the Ld Propr demandeth of

                  M Cuth: ffenwick Attorney of Capt Tho: Cornewalleys

                  Tob. & cask, being the one halfe of the forfeiture of an

                  Assumption made by Capt Cornewalleys, unto his Lp, in the

                  behalfe of Rich: Ingle mariner wherein hee the sd Capt Corne

                  waileys assumed tht the sd Rich: Ingle should pay a certaine

                  quanty of powder & shott to the use of his Lps Colony, by

                  a certaine day in may in the yeare 1644 wch as yett hee neuer


                    wart to the Sheriffe ret. Decemb Court.


                    The Depn of Robt Percy gentn in the behalfe of the Rt Honble

                  the Ld Propr


                    This Dept sayth, tht he was prnt att St Inegos howse, some-


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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