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Court and Testamentary Business, 1 648. 435
Warrt to the Sheriffe ret. Decernbr Court, & to putt in Liber A. security to 10000 l Tob. to answere to the sd complt
Anthony Rawlins cornplayneth agst ffrancis Poesy, for tht he the sd Poesy sold him a gun for 350 l Tob, (wch is already satis fyed to him) & did not of right belong unto him. Wherfore he requyreth tht the sd Poesy may be ordered to repay him the sd price for the gun, or to proue his right thereunto. warrt to Sheriffe ret. Decembr Court.
Mrs Margarett Brent complayneth agst Edw: Commins of Kent for tht being possest of Come, sheepe, seruants, & cattle wth howsing & other appurtenances uppon Kent as aforesd Hee the sd Commins contrary to all right justice & equity, wth others of the sd Iland. entred into her howse, disperseth all her goods in the howse, wheruppon her howse was deserted & left by her seruts for want of prouisions, & other necessaries; wherby C. Cleyborne came, & possest the same by whose occasion, & fact shee was damnifyed in her estate there, to the valew of 20000 l Tob & cask for wch she desyreth reparaon agst him by order of this Court. wart to the Sheriffe ret Decembr Court.
16o Novembr 1649 It is this prsent day ordered and ad iudged by consent of both parties that the Cause last aboue recited betweene Mrs Margaret Brent plf and Edward Commins deft. bee fully cleerely and absolutely dismissed out of the Court Witnes theire hands The Marke + of Testor Tho: Hatton Marg: Brent Edward Commins
Mr a Court held Came Edw: Cottham & requyred That p. 201 att St Maries whereas the sd Edw: Cottham on the 16th 6o Nouembris Prnt Gouernor of Octobr made stoppage of a Bull wch Tho: C. Giles Brent Baker was then actually carrying to Appa
matucks, out of this prouince, untill the sd Baker should make his right appeare thereunto, att this Cout And the sd complt shewing to the Court, tht the sd Baker, hath not according to order from the Gou made his appearance, but uoluntarily absented himselfe untill this day, being the the last day pre scribed in the wart & the last day of the Court. Wherefore he requyreth tht the sd Bull may bee taken from out the Sheriffs hands, & deliuered into his, this Complts possesn hee having aliready made his right appeare thereunto, by the oaths of Walter Coterill, & George Manners & appeares uppon Record. Tho: Baker deft not appearing according to the Tenure of the writt, The Court adiudged the Bull in question unto Edw. Cottham plf.
Volume 4, Page 435 View pdf image (33K) |
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