Volume 4, Page 434 View pdf image (33K) |
434 Court and Testamentary Business, 1648.
Liber A. Vppon the demand of Mrs Margarett Brent plf uers Peter Knight Mercht deft for 5000 l Tob. & cask. The deft not ap pearing, but being certifyed tht by sicknes hee was hindered to attend the Court. The cause was respited till next Court, & the Attatchmt to continue in force, as before in ditta caã.
John Maunsell demandeth 340 l Tob & cask of Willm Styles dew by Bill. warrt to the Sheriffe ret. Decembr Court.
p. 200 John Holfhead demandeth of Jno Hatch or Rich: Banks the admistrators of Thomas Allen deceased one barrell of Corne, dew by Bill.
Came George Manners & acknowledgeth tht he layd an Exeqn uppon a heighfer of Mr Tho: Baidridge for 500 l Tob, being the remainder of his Leuy. marked slitt the right eare, & the left eare slitt crosse the eare. & deliuered the same to Mrs Margarett Brent, for Mr Calurts use. And the Mrs Margarett Brent acknowledgeth to haue sold & deliuered the sd heighfer marked as aforesd to John Hoif head, & warrenteth the same unto the sd John Hoif head agst all iust claimes in Law. Marg. Brent
Henry Pountney demandeth of Edw: Hudson 350 l Tob & cask. Wart to the Sheriffe ret. Decembr Court.
ffrancis Brooks Gentn complayneth agst Edw: Commins in an accon of defamaon, to the ualew of 1000 l Tob for tht the sd Commins hath to the discreditt of the plf as far as in him lyeth, reuyled, & slaundered him, Wth diuers scandalous speeches, easpecially in termed him, & accounting him periurd, Vttering words to this purpose, That he the plf had taken a false oath, & tht he would proue it. Wart to the Sheriffe ret Decembr Court.
Nouembr 60 Mrs Margarett Brent, his Attorney corn playneth agst Edw: Commins, on the behalfe of the Ld Propr of this prouince. ffor hauing in contempt of his Lps Authority & gouermt wittingly & knowingly taken certaine persons & goods under exequuon, out of the Sheriffs hands. Vttering likewise att the same time words of great contempt agst his Gouernot & the authority of the gouermt ffor wch fact of his the Attor ney on his Lps behalfe requyres tht the sd Edw: Commins may bee censured, & punished, as the Court shall find the fault to deserue.
Volume 4, Page 434 View pdf image (33K) |
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