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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 373   View pdf image (33K)
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            Court and Testamentary Business, 1647—8.    373


        Walter Waterlin att the request of ifran: Posey sayth uppon Liber A.

      his oath That in September last (as this Dept beleiueth) ffan:

      Posey deliuemed unto Tho: Wagott a Bill of 100 l Tob: in con

      sideraon of wch Bill the sd Wagott promised to deliur unto the

      sd ifran: Posey one barrell of Come. And further he sayth


        John Walltham deposeth idem ad uerbum.


        James Lindsey att the request of Capt Jno Price sayth uppon

      his oath. That Left Wm Lewis was the first man tht drew

      sword & entred the howse, pulling the matt from of the howse,

      & brought forth out of the howse an Indian woman & a child

      deliuering her to the guard, att the march on the Easterne

      Shoare somtime in July last & further he sayth not.

        George Manners deposeth the same & addeth further tht att

      the entring of the howse Lt Lewis gaue the Word. Giue fyre

      & an Indian boulting out of the howse the sd Left Lewis com

      manded his ptty to give fyre uppon the Indian allso. and when

      both prties came together Capt Price commanded the whole

      company to march, & bid them not to wrong or take any thing

      from any Indian, or shott att any Indian. And soe they

      marched neare uppon two miles backe againe, not shooting

      any gun. But the Indians gathering in great companies about

      Or men, shott a man of ors in the Reare. And then Capt Price

      commanded the Company to giue fyre & not before.

        Walter Gwest deposeth idem ad Verbu.


           ffeb: 16th 1647.

        ffeb. 230 Know all men by these prnts tht I Mrs Margarett

      Brent Attorney to his Lp sold & deliuered unto John Ward

      Souldier of St Inego's ffort One Browne Cow Crop both the

      eares, & the forepart of the right eare cut away, & a slitt in

      the Crop & a white udder & a white tip of her tayle out of his

      Lps stock, in part of paymt for his wages. And further I the sd

      Margarett Brent in his Lps behalfe doe warrant the sale of the

      sd Cow from all claimes in Law. The sd John shall freely

      possesse & enioy the sd Cow to him & his heyres for cur

      Wittnes my hand this 26th ffeb: 1647          Sig.

      Wittnes  Giles Brent              Marg: Brent

               Robert Vaughan.


        ffeb. 23. Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Robt Clarke Gent. p. 142

      one barrell of Come, dew by Bill, wart to the Sheriffe ret. po

      M artij.



        ffeb. 24th This day came Thomas Greene Gour of the Prov

      ince of Mary-Land & acknowledgeth to haue gyuen One Red


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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