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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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             Court and Testamentary Business, 1647—8.    359


       heard the sd Wm Euans say, That hee would not liue in the ffort Liber A.

       unlesse he had Corne, as other soldiers had & bid the sd

       Gouernor glue him what Tob: he pleased. And the sd Gouernor

       replyed, Take you noe care for Corne, for I will prouide Corne

       for you, or to tht purpose. & further hee sayth not.


                            Cora me Tho: Greene Gouer.


         Willm Smoote demandeth of Marks Pheypo, Attorney of Mr

       Hansford admistr of Mr Weston 100 l Tob: dew for his part, for

       appraysing the st Mr Westons estate.


         Thomas Hebden demandeth of Marks Pheypo Attorney Ut

       supra 330 l Tob: for the cure of his serut John.


         James Johnson demandeth of John Cooke a barrell & a lock p. 117

       of a gun, & 1 barrell of Corne, dew from the Cooke uppon


         Attatchmt to the Sheriffe to attatch a Bill of the sd Jams

       Jonhsons in Waltr Beanes hands. ret. 30 ffeb:


         Charles Maynard aged 25 yeares or thereabouts att the

       request of Wm Lewis sayth uppon his oath That being att Mr

       Gerrards howse, Capt Hen: ffleate & Mr Payne was there &

       bought hogs of Mr Gerrard, & amongst other hogs the sd Mr

       Gerrard sold to the prtyes abouesd 2 hoggs, Viz one Boare, &

       one sow, of a yeare old & better, wch the sd Mr Ger: told this

       Dept That they were Mr Lewis hoggs, & further added tht hee

       would kill & sell them, the better to satisfy a debt, wch the sd

       Mr Lewis owed to the sd Mr Gerrard. And this Dept further

       sayth tht to the best of his remembrance all the great work of

       a howse ready framed, or fitted, was fettchd away by appointmt

       of the sd Mr Gerrard, from of Mr Lewis land, & applyed to

       the owne proper use of the sd Mr Gerrard. Likewise this

       Dept sayth tht there was a chest of the sd Mr Lewis in Mr

       Gerrards howse, wch this Dept demanded of the sd Mr Ger:

       wherevppon the sd Mr Ger: replyed tht he could not spare it for

       he intended to fill it wth Tob: & to send it for England. Like

       wise the Dept demanded of the sd Mr Gerrards 3 hoes & a

       little Tomahawke & 1 Cowle & a powdering Tub: wch did

       belong to Mr Lewis. But the foresd Mr Gerrard denyed to

       deliur them to this Dept affirming tht they were none his, to

       witt the sd Mr Lewis. Likewise this Dept sayth tht the sd Mr

       Gerrard had the leafe of a Table & of the sd Mr Lewis, 1

       Runlett & 2 Payles & further hee knoweth nott.

       Jurat Teste me               Charles Maynard

         Willm Bretton Clk.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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