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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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                 358    Court and Testamentary Business, 1647—8.


            Liber A. Thomas Allen att the request of Capt Giles Brent sayth

                  uppon his oath that hee this Dept did assigne unto Capt Brent

                  aforesd about Christmas in the yeare 1644, certaine bills dew to

                  him the sd Allen, to the ualew of fifteene hundred pownds of

                  Tob: & upwards, (the overplus he remembreth not,) of Willm

                  Porter of Kent, to the use of him the sd Giles Brent for a

                  ualuable consideraon receiued.


                    This day the question was moved in Court whether or noe

                  Mr Leon: Caluert (remayning his Lps Sole Attorney wthin this

                  Prouince before his death, & then dying) the sd Mr Caluert's

                  adffiistrator was to be receiued for his Attorney wthin this

                  prouince, untill such time, as his Lp had made an new substi

                  tution, or tht some other remayning uppon the prnt Commisn

                  were arryued into the prouince. The Gouernor demanding

                  Mr Brent's opinion uppon the same Quere. Hee answered tht

                  he did conceiue tht the admistrator ought to be lookd uppon as

                  Attorney both for recouering of rights into the estate, & paying

                  of dew debts out of the estate, & taking care for the estates

                  prseruaon: But not further, untill his Lp shall substitue some

                  other as aforesd And thereuppon The Gouernor concur'd.

                  And it was ordered tht the Admistrator of Mr Leon: Caluert

                  aforesd should be receiued as his Lps Attorney to the intents



               p. t16 Vppon the demand of Geoffrey Power plf concerning a

                  Steere. Ordered that the plf should recover one Cow wth

                  calfe out of his Lps stock hee being content therewth


                    Edward Packer aged 33 yeares or thereabouts att the request

                  of Capt Giles Brent sayth vppon his oath That sometime to

                  wards the last of May Ano 1643. A Mayd seruant of St Edm.

                  Plowdon went up to Kent wth Mrs Margarett Brent, & did

                  seruice there, till sometime towards the last of July following.

                  And being lame shee came downe againe wth this Dept &

                  being att St Maries, shee denyed to doe any seruice, as the

                  serut of Sr Edm: Plowdon: affirming tht shee was noe servant

                  of his.

                    Whereuppon the sd Capt Giles Brent putt her & two others

                  in suite; but for want of proofes to testify, could not have

                  iudgmt agst them, or recour them for Sr Edmund Plowdons

                  seruants.                     Edward Packer

                                  Coram me Tho: Greene Gouer:

                        Capt Jno Price aged 40 yeares or thereabouts att the

                  Jan. request of Left Wm Euans sayth vppon his oath That the

                  sd Euans bargayning wth Gour Caluert for his sallary, This Dept


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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