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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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                 360    Court and Testamentary Business, 1647—8.


            Liber A. Henry Clay aged 24 yeares or thereabouts, sayth uppon his

                  oath att the request of Tho: Munday, That being att the sd

                  Tho: Mundays howse he this Dept heard Edw: Hudson & Tho:

                  Munday reckon wth Wm Steuenson, & the Sd Steuenson did

                  not deny but tht he remayned Debt to Tho: Munday 270 l Tob:

                  but denyed to guile bill for the sd Tob: vnto Tho: Munday

                  aforesd unlesse he could first speake wth Phillip Authar. And

                  further sd Hen: Clay sayth, that the sd Stevenson had a shirt of

                  the sd Hudson for wch be the sd Steuenson was to give another

                  wthin 2 or 3 weekes, & further hee sayth not

                                                  Hen. + Clay.

                   John Villaine deposeth idem ad uerbum    x

                                              Jno Villaine

                  Jurat. Teste me Wm Bretton Clk.


               p. 118 Att a Court held att Vppon the demand of Cuth. ffenwick:

                            St Maries 4. Jan:

                      1647     gent. plf agst Anthony Rawlins deft for 830 l

                  rrnt Gouernor the Deft pr Attornat Walt. Gwest confesseth,

                    Mr Brent.    j

                               tht hee did owe the Tob. but sayth tht hee

                  payd the Tob to Mr Ingle. And craueth to haue his cause

                  tryed by a Jury.

                   The Jury finding for the Deft The Court dismissed the plf

                  wthout day.

                  s Came ffrancis Van Enden and acknowledgeth him

                  C 0054    selfe to owe & stand indebted unto Jno Hallowes in

                  the summe of 1675 l Tob: Francis Van Enden

                    1879     Exeqr to the Sheriffe ad Satisfaciendu 90 Oct. 1648.


                   Vppon the demand of Wm Marshall plf agst Marks Pheypo

                  Attorney of Mr Hansford deft The deft acknowledgeth 1300 l

                  Tob to be dew to the plf & bb Corne. And the Court

                  fownd for the plf accordingly. As for the 2 payre shooes, the

                  Court fownd one payre to be dew. & gave further time to

                  proue the other.


                   Vppon the demand of Capt Giles Brent Esqr Edw: Packer

                  then High Sheriffe of St Maries deposed sayth That Ano 1643

                  hee had exequuon to serue vppon the estate of Mr Weston of

                  1000 l Tob: to satisfy a Leuy towards the satisfaction of the

                  charge of ffort Conquest. And that he did Leuy 800 l Tob:

                  And tht there is still remayning 200 l Tob: besides the charge of

                  the leuying of the whole.


                   Giles Brent Esqr demandeth to haue an exequuon renewed

                   is lost from the Records for 200 l Tob: & charges of exeqn

                  agst the admistrator of Thor Weston. The sd summe being


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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