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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)
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             Court and Testamentary Business, 1647—8.    357


        Decembr 21. Jno Norman demandeth of Robt Clark gent. Liber A.

       200' Tob. dew by Bill

        wart to the Sheriffe ret. 3. Jan.


        Willm Bretton gent. demandeth of Robt Clark gent. 300' Tob:

       dew by Bill

        Wart to the Sheriffe ret 30 Jan:



        Walter Pakes demandeth of Peter Makerill 400 l Tob: & cask,

       dew by Bill.

        Attatchmt to the Sheriffe ret. 30 Jan.



        Robt Taylor aged 1 7 yeares or thereabouts att the request of

       Willm Lewis sayth uppon his oath, That hee was then att Mr

       Lewis howse att the beginning of the troubles here, when some

       of Ingles company being att the foresd Mr Lewis howse a taking

       away his Corne, Mr Gerrard came instantly unto them wth fowre

       of his men to witt Jno Wortley, Thom: Knight, James Walker,

       & Nat: Joanes, & forwarned them to take away any Corne

       there, & alledged that Corne belonged unto him, & thereuppon

       the sd Mr Gerrard measured the Come in the sd Willm Lewis

       howse, & carryed it away unto his owne howse, but what

       quanty this Dept knoweth not. & further hee sayth not.

        James Walker aged 29 yeares or thereabouts att the request

       of Leift Willm Lewis, sayth uppon his oath, That he was wth Mr

       Ihom: Gerrard when hee measured, & carryed away the Lorne

       from the sd Mr Lewis howse but what quanty he knoweth not.

       And further sayth not.



        Mrs Marg: Brent, in behalfe of her Brother Capt G. Brent

       demandeth of Tho: Allen a Bill of 1500 l Tob: wch her sd

       Brother hath allready satisfyed.

        wart to warne to the Sheriffe ret. forthwth

        The Sheriffe ret his writt for Jury& warned

       Att a Court held                           p. 115

        St Maries 3d Jan:   Walt. Beane, Jno Medley, Tho: Allen, George

       prntGouernor Saphyre, Rich: Banks, Mr Clark Jno Half

                   head Wal: Pakes, Nic: Cawsin, L. Wm Lewis,


       Jno Norman, Mr Robt Percy.


        Vppon the demand of Capt Jno Price plf agst Mrs Brent ad

       mistratr of Leo: Calvert Esqr defr for 45600' Tob: & 100 bb.

       Come. The deft denyeth the same to be due from her. And

       demandeth the priuiledge of an admistrator & not to be

       troubled wthin a twelvemonth & a day


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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