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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 222   View pdf image (33K)
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                  222    Court and Testamentary Business, 1643.


Liber P. R. 15 l secret fees            to prove his demand, & vpon his oath to the

                  20 l attachmt } 60 l truth of his demand, & non satisfaction for it

                         25. exeq.             since, adiudged that he should recover 531 l tob.


                    1 3. Jan: exequu: & 60' fees; by iniunction to Tho. Sterman

                  to pay to Sheriff; & warrenting this for his discharge agst rob.



                  Secret vpon the motion of Giles Brent Esq varsus Rob

                  attach 10 huett &c vt supra: the Cort adiudged he should

                  exeq: 19 recover 386 l of tob. and for the other demands



                      44 respited them till 1st march.


                    13. Jan: exequu: & fees by injunction to Tho. Sterman

                  to pay to sheriff; & warrenting this for his discharge agst rob.



                    Robt Clerk appeared to the suit of Cutbt ffenwick, & acknowl

                  edged the 340 l tob demanded whervpon it was adiudged the

                  py should recover the 340 l tob.

                    the L. G. appointed that all bills & accompts demanded, &

                  recovered: should be left vpon file


                    Samuel Ireland made oath that to the best of his remem-

                  brance he dd. 6. dearskins to Tho. Todd at some time in winter

                  last, in the name & for the vse of Marks Pheypo.


    p. 117    1643

                    January 12. James Neale Esq demandeth of ffrancis Pope

                  1000 l tob & cask due by bill assignd p Randoll Revell.

                    the said francis, acknowledgeth the demand to be due

                  vacat p assens. plf and the Cort adiudged that the plf

                  should recover.


                    ffrancis Pope demandeth of Edw. Packer sheriff 1400 l tob,

                  for a trespasse of the said Ed: packer, by attaching 5. hh. of

                  the plfs without warrant.

                    the said Edw: Packer denieth that he attached any hh. of the

                  plf & prayeth that it be tried by the Court, and the said franc

                  Pope prayeth to be tried by the country and Henry Lee was

                  his security for the charge of the Jury.


                    Blanch oliver (p attorn Rob. Clerk) dcmandeth of William

                  hardige, & Robt wiseman 250 l tob & cask due by bill dated

                  18. June 1643.

                    the said Robt wisernan & will hardige, acknowledged the

                  bill to be due.

                    And the Court found that the plf should recover


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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